Inside a Robot’s Brain

Robots are gaining more and more attention. From autonomous cars to robot doctors, robots are going to completely revolutionize our world. However, not many of us know what a robot is and how it’s actually “smart”. Well, now you will…

What are robots?

A robot is any machine (usually programmed by computers) that can carry out complex series of actions automatically. A typical robot contains a movable structure, a power supply, a sensor system and a computer (the “brain” of the robot) that controls everything. Furthermore, robots only need little to no human interaction to conduct a specific task. In simple terms, a robot is a machine that has human-like intelligence and can carry out tasks. Right now you may be saying, “No robots are smarter than me”. You are right and wrong, let me explain why…

Intelligence: Robots vs. Humans

Due to robot’s superior memory capacity and processing power, they commonly outperform humans in complex calculation and even rule-based games (chess, Go, etc.). This means that they can produce high-quality work faster and more accurate than we ever could. However, robots have limited capacity to learning patterns and can only match patterns they have already learned. In short, they only do what they are told or what they have learned. Because we humans can improvise during different circumstances, it sets humans above robots. For example, even our simple ability to enter an unfamiliar kitchen and make a cup of coffee is something a robot couldn’t do because only humans have the ability to improvise (at least for now). 

Additionally, we are also way more creative and curious than any machine in the world. And, if it wasn’t for our human’s knowledge and intelligence robots would never be able to exist!

How Do Robots Actually Work?

The “brains” of the robots are usually programmed through a computer. A robot is able to “learn” through Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Machine learning is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep learning is a sub-field of machine learning. Machine learning is a technique that enables systems or machines to “learn” and improve through experiences or data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning imitates the way that humans learn and gain knowledge.

In simple terms this is how robots “learn”…
The robot or computer first uses sensors or human input to gather information about a situation. The computer then determines what the information means by comparing it to previously stored information. Based on the data gathered, the computer simulates a variety of potential actions and forecasts which one will be the most successful. 

However, robots usually only solve problems that they are programmed to solve. This means that they normally don’t have analytical ability or skills like we do.

Fun fact: Sophia and Ameca are the most advanced human-like robots that currently exist.

How will robots affect our future?

From simple things like cleaning the house to working in the military, robots will definitely be a big part of our future. Ultimately, robots can improve our health and lives… 

Thanks to intelligent robots and machines, our medical diagnosis can become more accurate; driving can become easier and faster thanks to autonomous vehicles; and in the future robots may even be able to cook us our favorite meals without a chance of burning it (which is something I believe we have done at least once).

Robots will most likely affect our jobs too…
For example, we know for sure that low-skilled jobs are probably going to be taken by robots. But due to them, jobs in the tech industry will become more available and will increase in demand too. 
Remember that robots and artificial intelligence are likely going to replace tasks and not jobs. So you don’t need to worry about losing your job, at least for now. 

Final thoughts
Technology and Artificial Intelligence used in the correct way for the right causes can be a huge help to humanity in the coming future.

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Sarah Okalani

A girl who wants to make a difference in the world 🌎

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